Stake YW Presidency Challenge...

You have been challenged to memorize Joseph Smith's first vision found

Below are the handouts to help you memorize and keep track.
You will see at the bottom, circles that can be punched as you
memorize each verse. You can work on this now and at camp.
You can memorize and pass off a verse at a time. You do not
need to do it all at once. Your ward young women presidency
can pass it off. The camp director or assistant camp director can
pass it off. Or any of the young women stake presidency.

It has been such an amazing experience to see different
groups working individually come up with the same theme.
It just confirms that this is truly what Heavenly Father wants
us to focus on this year. Acquiring and strengthening  testimonies.

We encourage every young women and young woman leader
to accept this challenge. There will be a little reward given
to those who finish.